El plano que vemos corresponde al Dornier Wal. Un hidroavión que voló por los cielos de Chile hacia 1930. El aeroplano fue observado por mi padre cuando era niño de 6 ó 7 años en Puerto Montt su ciudad natal. Años antes su fallecimiento de mi padre fabrico a partir del plano que vemos dos modelos. En su elaboración se utilizó madera de álamo y cartón. El primero de esos modelos acompaño a mi padre en su vuelo final, el segundo lo conservo en mi poder.
The plane we see corresponds to the Dornier Wal. A seaplane that flew through the skies of Chile around 1930. The airplane was observed by my father when he was a child of 6 or 7 years old in Puerto Montt, his hometown. Years before his death of my father I make from the plane that we see two models. In its elaboration poplar wood and cardboard were used. The first of these models accompanied my father in his final flight, the second I keep in my possession.
The plane we see corresponds to the Dornier Wal. A seaplane that flew through the skies of Chile around 1930. The airplane was observed by my father when he was a child of 6 or 7 years old in Puerto Montt, his hometown. Years before his death of my father I make from the plane that we see two models. In its elaboration poplar wood and cardboard were used. The first of these models accompanied my father in his final flight, the second I keep in my possession.